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Favourite destinations

As the metropolis of Jambi province on the Sumatra Island, Indonesia, Jambi is given a ravishing beauty by nature that any one who visits will want to comback. If you want to stay away from the noisy and stressful urban life to feel the peaceful life, then Jambi is the ideal destination for you. For those who love nature, Jambi will give you great moments with countless great natural attractions.
- When comming to Jambi, you must visit Taman Nasional Bukit Dua Belas, a reserve of up to 500,000 hectares, where you can see many different plants and animals. Doing trekking is really great, not just being able to see wildlife. That is also very nice to see and meet Orang rimba where people still live within the jungle.
- A trip to Mt. Tujuh - the highest lake in South East Asia - will be one of the most interesting parts of your trip. It will take about 2.5 hours to get there but all the fatigue will be rewarded with a truly beautiful scene and very fresh air. There will be a lot of wonderful experiences here like admiring the best sunrise ever, swimming or sailing to explore and learn about the regional culture end so on.
- For healthy visitors, the climbing to Kerinci - the highest volcano in Sumatra (even in Indonesia) will be a great experience when your hard work will be rewarded with amazing natural scenery.
- For people who are bored with city tourism, and want to enjoy a new atmosphere to unite with nature, Lake Kaco in Jambi can be considered. This lake is not so wide, but saves extraordinary beauty, the water is clear blue as blue (glass), and surrounded the forest is still beautiful. Rest assured, you will find a very fresh atmosphere.
- If you are a lover of architecture, religious architectures such as the Agung Al Falah Mosque in Jambi will attract you because of the cultural and religious meaning as well as great aesthetic value.
- Jambi Prima Shopping Center will surely have items suitable for you, from unique souvenirs to stylish outfits and diversity items. You will freely choose gifts for your family, friends and relatives.
A flight from Jakarta, Batam or Pekanbaru to this City will quickly give you more exiting expericence that ever.
Sultan Thaha Airport in the suburb of Paalmerah has many short and mid-range weekly flights. You can fly from Jakarta, Batam or Pekanbaru to continue your travel journey. The flight tickets from Jakarta to Jambi is only from 85 USD; from Batam to Jambi is only from 190 USD and from Pekanbaru to Jambi is only from 189 USD, then all views of Jambi will appear before your eyes.